From authenticity to loyalty.

Customers are just like you and I: they have thoughts, goals and dreams. It might seem logical, but many companies seem to forget and focus on business priorities instead. Yes, business is important, but it’s the human aspect that makes customers loyal. Always keep the following three points in mind.

Objective 2.0

The analyst in all of us wants to focus on fast response times and the shortest possible interaction time with customers. Meanwhile, there is an increasing demand to work with customer-oriented KPIs such as First Time Right, NPS, customer satisfaction, etc. The truth is, what the customer actually says or indicates during the customer contact often has more value than any KPIs. Make sure that your brand or organisation takes the time to listen to your customers, regardless of the communication channel they are on.  


How can you be where your customer is? First, get a clear understanding of the market and the customer. Through telephone market research, you not only get clear results but start listening in a personal way. A second step is to ensure that a climate is created in which your customer can and may talk. Make it very clear that communication is important by showing this prominently on your website or social media. Finally, use the experience you have gained to draw up a Customer Journey with touchpoints such as a website, physical shop and social media. This will help you check which channel can be used for what by the customer, as well as by your organisation.


As mentioned earlier, authenticity is a key factor. Call on our customer service or experienced employees who communicate empathically and authentically. This will help you make the perfect translation from your company to your customer.

Why should you go to all of this trouble? Because this is the only way to make a real connection with the customer and help him to fulfil his goals and needs. This is how customer loyalty is built on a sustainable basis and WOM is conducted in an authentic manner. In fact, it all comes down to this: if you help your customer achieve his objectives, there is a good chance that your company or brand will also achieve its objectives.